コイル :ポケモン4コマ劇場でピカチュウ マリルリorチルタリスorルリリ :ルリィ 中者は青い鳥になった時の姿。後者は名前ネタ。 エムリットorミロカロス :リルル 前者なら10まんボルト、いやしのねがいなどを。SIMPLE = T / BITPIX = 16 / 8 or 16 bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Table is a twodimensional matrix NAXIS1 = 650 / Width of table row in bytes NAXIS2 = 500 / Number of rows in table VERSION = 000 / Version number of Observation Specification FILE = 'M42OrionNebFITS' / Name of file DATEOBS = '' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of observation STARTOBS = 'SIMPLE = T / BITPIX = 16 / 8 or 16 bits per pixel NAXIS = 2 / Table is a twodimensional matrix NAXIS1 = 650 / Width of table row in bytes NAXIS2 = 500 / Number of rows in table VERSION = 000 / Version number of Observation Specification FILE = '17p_holmesFITS' / Name of file DATEOBS = '' / Date (dd/mm/yy) of observation STARTOBS = '